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Likkle Gallery Presents
Amy Yoshitsu

"Season First/Finale, Episode Attuned"

Amy Yoshitsu

March 24 - April 14, 2022.

Artist Statement

“I am a sculptor and multidisciplinary designer exploring physical and ideological infrastructural systems that influence our individual psychic and emotional experiences. Driven by identity and heritage, my work deconstructs the interconnections between power, economics, labor, and race in order to illuminate their foundational impact on personal schemas and interpersonal relationships.

Infrastructure, a key concept of my work, relates to the act of supporting, the foundations of creation, and the many laboring to build and maintain our unsustainable global practices. Literal infrastructural objects—pylons, utility covers, traffic signs—are site-specific representations of deterioration, results of time and use. Aesthetically defined by technology, the phenomenon of private versus public property, and decision-making power, these physical markers of large-scale systems affect intimate conditions and psychic spheres while overlooked or purposely hidden. Similarly, intertwined capitalism and racism—constructed through norms and legitimization narratives—are deeply personal, stronger than steel, and as obscured yet fundamental as electricity.”



Instagram: @amyyoshitsu






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